FENCING Awards 2021 Finalist - Gabion gates by Ideal Gate Automation

FENCING Awards 2021 Finalist - Gabion gates by Ideal Gate Automation

Gabion gates by Ideal Gate Automation in Luddenham, NSW.

Ideal Gate Automation gave Australian Fencing Awards some key information on their Gabion gates project.

Challenges involved in the project

  • To Manufacture a set of double gates filled with rocks to represent a moving rock wall.
  • - Gates need to be filled with rocks in position with the top rail removed. The gate needs to be rigid enough to support the full weight of the rocks without the top rail fitted, while being restricted by the section size in steel to match panels.
  • - The cabling and fixings for the magnetic lock accessory within the rock filled gate needed to be accessible with the top rail removed to ensure serviceability into the future, this adds further complexity to the design and strength of the gate - as it needs to be able to be serviced by any technician with basic tools - engineering hurdle!
  • - Single tapered bottom rail to suit slope of driveway, while matching all lines of the vertical and horizontal mesh welded to the gabion gates and panels.
  • - Engineering in serviceable points for bearing hinge greasing to ensure serviceability into the future, as there is no way a 500kg gate will e able to be removed for bearing greasing. Concealing these for street aesthetic was critical also.
  • - Every bracket, gusset, conduit gland, channel for cable, removable section, cutouts, plate and packer had to be fitted and tested in the factory before heading to galvanising. This was not only to ensure rust protection, but once the gates got to site - there was nil ability to change the design, motor position, accessory location or cable entry once filled with rocks - it had to be perfect months before getting to site.

Products used on the project

  • Beninca Bob 50E 24v worm drive swing operators
  • Beninca Brainy 24+ Control Board
  • DEA Digipro keypad
  • DEA linear A safety beams
  • ECA 680kg Magnetic locks
  • Structural steel frames (galvanised)
  • Lots and lots of rocks!

Outcome of the project

  • Exceeding the outcome on all fronts. A job that was approached with patience and a team that was thinking outside of the box ensured that it went well, no modifications required and a gate that works exactly how it is supposed to - while being filled with rocks.

This project by Ideal Gate Automation is a finalist in the Australian FENCING Awards 2021.