Nomination Form - Businesses, Legends, Women, Youth and Innovators You can nominate as many businesses and people as you like. Simply fill out a new form for each nomination. Great images and/or video will help with your entry so please send to Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastYour Email *Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Your Phone Number *Please enter you phone number(s) so that we can get in touch.Which category would you like to nominate for? *Business - Industry SpecialistsLegends - Heroes in FencingWomen - Diversity in FencingInnovators - Industry's FutureWho would you like to nominate? *Enter the name of the person or business you would like to nominate for an award.What is their role in the industry? *Describe the business type or person's job role.How long have they been in the industry? *Why do you feel they deserve the award? *Describe in detail their accomplishments, achievements and successes *Upload images to enhance your nomination Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Additional information you would like included with your nominationWebsiteSUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastYour Email *Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Your Phone Number *Please enter you phone number(s) so that we can get in touch.Which category would you like to nominate for? *Businesses - Industry SpecialistsLegends - Heroes in FencingWomen - Diversity in FencingInnovators - Industry's FutureYouth - Young Achievers in FencingChampions - Promoting the IndustryWho would you like to nominate? *Enter the name of the person you would like to nominate for an award.What is the nominee's business name? *Enter the name business you would like to nominate for an award.What is their role in the industry? *Describe the business type or person's job role.How long have they been in the industry? *Why do you feel they deserve the award? *Describe in detail their accomplishments, achievements and successes *Upload images to enhance your nomination Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Additional information you would like included with your nominationPhoneSUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION